Dr. Luis F Garcia
Luis Garcia received his Bachelor of Science Degree in Biology from Boston College in 1997 where his genetic research landed him in an international scientific publication (Development, 1997) as an undergraduate. He received his Medical Degree, from Universidad de la Sabana in Bogota, Colombia in 2005 and served as Medical Director and Chief Science Officer of “Salud Futura” Clinic in Bogotá, Colombia until June 2010 where he worked with Neurofeedback, Neural therapy, Ozone therapy, Homotoxicology, Neurolinguistic Programming, Chelation therapy, DMSO therapy, Bioenergetics, Nutritional therapies, traditional western medicine and Biomagnetism. Dr. Garcia is licensed to practice medicine and surgery in Colombia, South America. He is currently applying his knowledge of complementary, Energy Medicine and alternative modalities as well as providing bioenergetic, magnetic and nutritional modalities that support normal structure and function with clients in the New York-New Jersey area.
Dr. Garcia honed his Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) skills by learning from top experts in the field. He has spent many years traveling throughout the US, Mexico, Cuba, Ecuador and Colombia mastering an extensive variety of CAM techniques. His goal is to stabilize the body’s pH and stimulate the immune system through the use of magnets and bioenergetic therapies, which assist the body to regain its self-healing electromagnetic balance naturally. Dr Garcia is recognized in Colombia as one of the leading CAM medical experts in areas including cardiovascular disease, gastrointestinal disorders, diabetes, chronic fatigue, autoimmune disease, cancer and other concerns associated with aging.
Dr. Garcia has trained in Biomagnetism and Bioenergy work with Dr. Izaac Goiz Duran, Dr. David Goiz Martinez, Dr. Miguel Ojeda Rios, Antonio Salas PhD, Jorge Tapia (Mexico), Gustavo Guayasamin (Ecuador), Carlos Zamora (Chile)(Resecado), Veturián Arana (SAAMA), Dr. Armando Solarte and John Grinder (NLP, Neurolinguistic Programming). Today his main focus is Lyme disease and its associated co-infections among other health concerns that are plaguing the Northeast. Dr. Garcia has been able to combine his Medical knowledge and extensive research experience with his Biomagnetism and Bioenergy work to discover new Biomagnetism pairs associated with Lyme disease and its co-infections.
Fekete, D. M., Hamburger, S. A., Waring, M. T., Riedl, A. E. and Garcia,L. F (1997).
Involvement of programmed cell death in morphogenesis of the vertebrate inner ear. Development 124, 2451-2461
Written Articles
Homotoxicology Dr. Luis Garcia
Magazine: Soy Innovador V.14, 40-41. February 2009
Ozonoterapia (Ozone Therapy) Dr. Luis Garcia
Magazine: Soy Innovador V.12, 38-39. November 2008
Terapia de Quelacion (Chelation Therapy) Dr. Luis Garcia
Magazine: Soy Innovador V.09, 26-28. July 2008
Para que la Vida Siga Fluyendo: Terapia de Quelacion (So that Life may continue to Flow: Chelation Therapy). Dr. Luis Garcia
Magazine: Salud Futura V1, 26-31. April/May 2007
Homotoxicology Dr. Luis Garcia.
Magazine: Salud Futura V2, 26-28. June/July 2007
Television Interviews (Spanish)
Interview: “Biomagnetism” on channel CM&, News, June 9, 2010. www.cmi.com.co/?nt=45915
Interview: “Chelation Therapy” on Channel: Caracol, News March 2009.
Interview: “Ozone therapy: Novel technique in health” on channel CityTV, program “Vive Bien (Live Well)”, April 29, 2009. citytv.com.co/videos/5935/ozonoterapia-nueva-tecnica-en-salud
Interview: “Ozone therapy for Lipid reduction” on channel CityTV, program “Vive Bien (Live Well)” July 22, 2009. citytv.com.co/videos/16238/la-ozonoterapia-un-novedosa-tecnica-para-eliminar-grasa-del-cuerpo
Interview about Neurofeedback therapy on channel CityTV, program “Vive Bien (Live Well)” August 05, 2009. citytv.com.co/videos/17964/neurofeedback-vive-bien
Interview about Magnetic therapy on channel CityTV, program “Vive Bien (Live Well)” June 08, 2009. citytv.com.co/videos/11056/magnetoterapia-imanes-para-abandonar-los-dolores-de-cabeza
Interview about Chelation Therapy on channel RCN News. Octuber, 2008. youtube.com/watch?v=BWDapnbfyIc&feature=related
Interview: “Chelation Therapy” on Channel: CM&, News October 4, 2008. youtube.com/watch?v=BWDapnbfyIc&feature=related
Interview “Neurfeedback” on channel CNC Telecafe, program “Salud y Vida (Health and Life)” March, 2007.
Interview about Chelation Therapy on Channel CNC Telecafe, program “Salud Vital (Vital Health) December 11, 2006.
Genetic Analysis of Hereditary Distal Myopathy in a Colombian family.
Wadsworth Center, New York State Department of Health. Albany, NY (2000 to 2001).
Neonatal Genetic Screening of Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia in the Newborn Population of New York.
Wadsworth Center, New York State Department of Health. Albany, NY (2003).
Polymorphisms of Fcγ and Dnase I and Their Relation in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Patients from Colombia.
Universidad de la Sabana Medical School, Chia, Colombia. (2002 – 2005).
Incidence and Progression of Diabetic Retinopathy in Colombian Patients Receiving Chelation Therapy.
Universidad de la Sabana Medical School, Chia, Colombia. (2004 – 2005).

Ralph Fucetola, JD – The Vitamin Lawyer
Ralph Fucetola JD received a B.A. with Distinction from Rutgers University, 1967 and a Juris Doctor (Doctorate in Law) from Rutgers Law School, 1971. Since then he has been active in the business and public service communities and practiced law (from 1971 through 2006) specializing in the Nutrient and Alternative Health fields. Counsel Fucetola has been widely recognized as a leading attorney in the field, receiving numerous awards, including a Citation of Merit from the National Health Federation (www.thenhf.com) in 1979 and a Meritorious Service Award (from the Institute for Health Research, www.inhere.org) for his role in the 1995 DHEA Cases on behalf of the Life Extension Foundation. Counsel Fucetola limits his consultancy practice to claims, advertising and label review, asset protection, and consulting with marketers, consumers, advocates and local attorneys regarding Health Care Freedom issues, petitions and litigation. He has varied business background experience, including direct management responsibility with companies in the following fields: Dietary Supplement Products and Alternative Modality Products, Real Estate Management and Construction; . He is Counsel to and a trustee of Natural Solutions Foundation, www.globalhealthfreedom.org.