What typically happens during a Biomagnetic session?
Biomagnetic (BM) sessions are a learning and healing experience. During the first few minutes an interview is conducted to understand the reasons behind the health visit.
- It is advised to wear comfortable cotton form-fitting clothes, socks and closed-toe shoes that fit well. During the therapy session the person will lie fully clothed and comfortably on their back on a massage table.
- The BM practitioner will then conduct a kinesiology assessment to identify pH imbalances in different areas of the body. This approach allows for the observation of your muscle reactivity that shows which specific anatomical points are balanced, or, too alkaline or acidic.
- Pairs of lightweight medium intensity magnets are gently placed on your body over your clothing, targeting Biomagnetic Pairs whose pH levels are imbalanced. These must remain on the client for a determined amount of time-based on the geographic latitude of where the therapy is being conducted.
- Clients generally feel good during and after a session. Clients often report feeling more relaxed, lighter, and energized. After the magnets are removed from the body, a brief summary and recommendations are offered to the client.
How long is each session?
Sessions usually last 60-90 minutes but may take longer, depending on the number of magnetic pairs identified which need to be balanced. The first session may be a little longer due to the introductory explanation of BM to the client. Make sure to have adequate time in your schedule so that you can relax and get the greatest possible benefit from it.
How many sessions are needed for one’s health issue?
Every case is different. Sometimes, only one session is necessary, in others four to six.
However, with chronic conditions or cases that are more complex, with many variables (Heavy metal toxicities, nutritional deficiencies, bacterial, viral, parasitic, and fungal infections, unresolved emotional conflicts and other) causing multiple health conditions more sessions may be needed.
Are there any instances when BM is not recommended?
There are no real contraindications to receiving BM, just precautions. Biomagnetic therapy may be applied during pregnancy.
An experienced BM therapist will know to ask whether the therapy should be best applied for the mother or baby or both and how to apply the magnets for each situation.
Clients with a history of epilepsy may also benefit from BM and must understand that when toxins are being released from the body, sometimes a detox reaction may occur whereby there is a temporary increase in inflammation that may affect the client temporarily.
A well trained and experienced therapist will know the best areas of the brain and body to work with to bring the appropriate balance to minimize detox reactions.
BM may be used on clients with pacemakers, as long as the area of the pacemaker is avoided.
How long does it take for people to notice improvements?
Every body is unique and, despite similar diagnoses, each person faces a unique combination of pathogens and health challenges. So many varying factors affect each person’s recovery that it is impossible to predict a timeframe. Some people have a dramatic response during the first BM session. Others have a slow, gentle recovery feeling no changes for quite a few sessions until eventually there are perceptible improvements. Either way, the body advances toward health.
What are the side effects of BM therapy?
There are no real negative side effects to Biomagnetic therapy. It can be combined with other therapies or alternative modalities.
The majority of people feel good immediately after a session, but a few people may feel exhausted or wiped out after a long and complex therapy. Just like exercise is fantastic for the body, so is Biomagnetism.
In the same way that a person may feel exhausted after working out, sometimes the client may also feel exhausted for a day or two after the session. The degree of tiredness depends on the number of magnetic pairs placed during the session and the pH imbalances being resolved such as detoxing as a result of the toxins and inflammation leaving the body.
When this happens, the body simply needs lots of fluids for the following three days and a day or two of good sleep so that the body can begin to heal itself and restore homeostasis.
Is Biomagnetic pair therapy costly?
BM therapy costs vary based on practitioner experience, results and countries.
An average session in Latin America can cost $100 by an experienced practitioner. An average session in the US can cost $250 per 1.5 hr session. If the practitioner offers longer 2 hour blocks, then the fee goes up. If the practitioner has a long wait list and great results, the fee understandably will be more based on laws of supply and demand.
In comparison to expensive medical treatments, Biomagnetism is not expensive at all. A trip to the emergency room or to a local urgent care can run you up several hundred to several thousand dollars.
Specialized treatments or repeated therapies are even more expensive when you add them up. Biomagnetic therapy provides an economic alternative to the expensive and often invasive procedures of traditional medicine.
Instead of dealing with something like chronic gastritis caused by H. Pylori bacterial infection and having to visit the general practitioner and taking antibiotics and other meds and possibly getting an invasive endoscopy and visiting the gastroenterologist and more, an experienced BM therapist should be able to help you avoid all that through nutritional and lifestyle modifications and several BM sessions.
What are the different types of Biomagnetic pairs
- Regular pairs: Identify pathogenic viruses, micro-organisms, bacteria, fungi or parasites.
- Special pairs: Recognize tissue modifications not caused by pathogenic micro-organisms.
- Dysfunctional pairs: Recognize internal alterations and their hormonal production
- Complex pairs: Identify associations between two or more pairs that manifest in complex diseases.
- Reservoirs: organs or tissues which act as hidey-hole for pathogens.
- Personal Pairs: These identify pairs that are very unique and personalized to each individual because of genetics, infection, surgery, trauma or environment. An example is an abdominal scar…
- Temporary pairs: Group of pairs addressing traumas which yield spontaneously when applied.
- Emotional: Group of pairs addressing psychological issues
- Associated: Group of pairs addressing pathologies that do not conform to a single pathogenic organism (They are infinite in number.).
- Reciprocal: Group of pairs that can simultaneously have both magnetic polarities at both the scan point and the corresponding point. An example is Spleen / Liver and Liver / Spleen
How can Biomagnetic therapy help with emotional or psychological problems?
There are various ways in which intellectual and emotional dysfunctions may be balanced. When a microorganism, such as a bacteria, virus, fungus or parasite, causes a dysfunction in the central nervous system or the endocrine system, which regulate hormones involved in pain reception, mood, sweat, hunger, sleep and other functions–the glands are not able to process those hormones properly. Some of these hormones include Serotonin, Acetylcholine and Epinephrine, which act as an adrenaline regulator, an emotion regulator, and antidepressant respectively. Once the pathogen can no longer survive in a pH stable environment, the glands return to their normal function, the hormone processes are brought back and emotional or psychological problems are either decreased outstandingly or disappear.
There are also cases that do not involve pathogens but rather simple electromagnetic distortions within the central nervous system. Magnets are able to balance these distortions, making the system finer able to regulate the endocrine system. There are also specific pairs relating to psychological or emotional issues, the need for which may be identified during a scan.
Biomagnetic therapy can be used for many health conditions such as arthritis, migraine, Heartburn, Influenza, Fibromyalgia, Measles in legs, Backpain, Autism, Asthma, Varicose Veins, Gastritis, Fungus in hands, Reflux, Lyme disease, Tennis Elbow, Malaria, Rheumatism, Diabetes, Ulcers, Traumatic brain injury

Dr.Luis F Garcia received his Medical Degree, from Universidad de la Sabana in Bogota, Colombia in 2005 and served as Medical Director and Chief Science Officer of “Salud Futura ” Clinic in Bogotá, Colombia until June 2010. He is currently applying his knowledge of complementary, Energy Medicine and alternative modalities as well as providing bioenergetic, magnetic and nutritional modalities that support normal structure and function with clients in the New York-New Jersey area. Today his main focus is Lyme disease and its associated co-infections among other health concerns that are plaguing the Northeast. Dr. Garcia has been able to combine his Medical knowledge and extensive research experience with his Biomagnetism and Bioenergy work to discover new Biomagnetic pairs associated with Lyme disease and its co-infections.